This is the kind of stuff I love to read and aspire to write! And thank you for going beyond Gaucho - too many people forget the last two albums. Walt Weiskopf does some beautiful tenor work on the title track to Everything Must Go, too. And, finally, there's Cornelius Bumpus, who always got cheers for his solos in concert, but never recorded with Steely Dan, despite appearing on Kamikriad, Donald Fagen's excellent second solo album.

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Thanks, Jeremy. Cornelius Bumpus is great on Kamikiriad, a record I'm planning to write about one day.

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This was fantastic, thanks for the such an in-depth exploration! Fascinating stuff and a very enjoyable read!

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Thank you! I appreciate your reading and taking the time to comment it.

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Great article. An homage to great musicians

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Cornelius Bumpus, I have always loved that name. This is a fascinating piece, well told, much better than the typical "I talked to the guy who played sax on that track" article, in the realm of the Steely Dan fans/stans. Marshall, check my archives for interview with Donald about Kamikiriad, you might find it interesting. But yeah, I made it a point to seek out every sax player they worked with that I didn't know: Pete Christlieb and Warne Marsh, for example, and dig in.

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Wondrously encyclopedic! Sharing this with my nephew, who plays drums and has been part of a Steely Dan tribute band. Thank you.

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