Age of Aquarius is one of the foundational albums in the development of my musical tastes - when the moon was in the seventh house and Jupiter aligned with Mars….

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Sorry, I haven't noticed TPF's version is mentioned too

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It was also covered by The Partridge Family

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Thanks for covering an artist I didn't know, and it's too bad Patti's career didn't take off as she had a lovely voice. I have to say that listening to her version I thought it needed much stronger backup singing and harmony, and then I heard the Fifth Dimension version and said that's it. But as you say, Bones Howe and the Wrecking Crew were behind the scenes working their magic!

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This is one of my favorite songs recorded by The Fifth Dimension. (I ranked it in my Top Ten of 1969.) I had no idea of it's life before that. Thanks!

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